Lost In My Bedroom Again..
Welcome Back Viewers!
Today marks the day that the LIMBO project is rebooted in it's original form. Prior to this reinvention, as an entertainment medium of Monsterr Productions, the LIMBO project was transformed from it's blog state to it's video state, and with it came the birth of the LIMBOtv Project, which only fulfilled half of it's created purpose of providing the world with a musical outlet. However, due to recent complications that have come from copyright claims that Youtube is plentiful in giving out, the LIMBOtv Project has been put on a hold in an effort to successfully reinstate this blog to its former glory. Below is the teaser that was created sometime ago in promoting the blog with it's unique aesthetic and pop culture flare, which are the intentions that this new blog is being built off of. New posts shall be posted everyday, so make sure to visit the blog daily for all the musical quirks that you so desire (: Enjoy!
- Gabriel Peters
Head of Monsterr Productions
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