Soundcloud Saturday - Fuck With You (feat. G-Eazy)

Today we're switching gears from #SelfieSaturday to indulge in a little more music rather than keeping up with the Kardashians as we install another episode of Soundcloud Saturday instead.

Coming in as today's hot featurette is the duo of Princess Pia Mia and rapper G-Eazy on their re-upped version of Pia's Fuck With You. This Nic Nac produced track takes Pia's sound to a more urban and hip-hop based sound than her previous tracks have shown )even though they were like already 99% of the way there...just saying) and it's absolute heaven. Is it just me or are you hoping the two become an item after hearing this track and looking at this beautiful album artwork (fingers crossed). 

The video is currently in the works and is to be released very soon, but for now, take a listen below.

What did you think of this Soundcloud Saturday? Add a comment below.


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