It's been awhile since you've seen another installment of this segment, but it's back! Today's featured blast from the past comes from the Saxobeats era of the "Cherry Pop" beaut Alexandra Stan. Many people know Stan from her club-anthem dance track "Mr. Saxobeat", but that's pretty much all that they know her for. The housing album was truly a work of art, but she didn't quite make it mainstream for anything other than her first single, which goes the same for her latest album "Unlocked" which houses amazing hits such as "Dance" & "Thanks For Leaving" (CLICK HERE). Enough about the history, let's talk more music. Today's track "Get Back (ASAP)" plays on the same sax beat that skyrocketed "Mr. Saxobeat", but it's more broken down in a way that makes it even better than said track. The stuttering on the chorus will definitely give you lip spasms, as you will definitely find yourself singing along after the first couple listens. Don't believe me? Take a listen below. 

What did you think of this blast from the past? Add a comment below!


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