I Ain't Your Mama No!

Brace yourselves men because the women are taking over!

Today sees the release for the accompanying visual for Jennifer Lopez's latest single Ain't Your Mama, which is the first single off of her ninth studio album in the works. 

Though the artwork for the track is so so, the music video does the latin infused pop track justice in starting a movement for feminists as it addresses political issues and breaks the stereotypes of women cooking and cleaning and even jabs at women's wages being lesser than men's. 

Needless to say, the video is stunningly amazing with all of it's fashion, the overall direction, and not to mention who doesn't love a choreographed dance number at the end with every woman who's been wronged and has been yelling "I Ain't Your Mama" down the streets. Also Jenny from the Block is definitely looking as flawless as ever and you just gotta love her. (:

Watch below.

What are your thoughts of the music video for Aint Your Mama? Add a comment below.


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