#MusicMonday - Gold (Thomas Jack Remix) [LIMBOtv Radio Edit]

This week's featured Music Monday track isn't exactly new to the LIMBO Project because it actually was featured some time ago previously on the blog, but this is the radio edited version of the Thomas Jack Remixed "Gold" from Gabriel Rios. This track beautiful composes guitar medleys and a tropical house vibe into a beautifully welded track. Forget Fine China, it's not even all about that bass because gold is forever in the cosmos as it solidifies a brand new font type amongst the LIMBOtv Project. Have no idea what I'm talking about? Take a listen below. 

What would you like to hear on the next #MusicMonday? Add a comment below.


Today's installment of Playlistism challenges leading up to the 10th episode of Playlistism this coming Sunday is..


Match the Playlistism track to the corresponding artwork/episode that it was featured in.

Today's social medium submission is..


Follow us and tweet us your answers @TheLIMBOProject using #Playlistism to win a free shoutout on Twitter!

Stay tuned for more daily challenges!


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